Happy Half-a-Ween Weekend…. or better known as HALWAY TO HALLOWEEN. With only six months to go until Halloween, fans and Hallow-thusiasts are wondering what this October will look like, and if the Coronavirus will have quieted down enough for any public celebrations to occur. Because, let’s face it, summer is basically canceled, but we can still #SaveHalloween!

Check out Cheeseman’s Michael Myers tee by Monster Tease. Website: https://monstertease.com
In case you missed our Halfway to Halloween Podcast Party, check it out here below. Special guest Anthony Masi is one of the biggest HALLOWEEN fans (the film and the holiday) we’ve ever met. Check out his LostRiverDriveIn.com brand for info on how to celebrate Michael Myers, Jamie Lee Cartis, and all things HALLOWEEN. You can enjoy our Half-A-Ween party right here:
During the show, Frye Guy (Jim) gutted and cleaned out a MASSIVE pumpkin that he’s been saving since October. Of course, he didn’t finish carving the pumpkin until the following night, during Anthony Masi’s private screening of a cool black-and-white version of the original HALLOWEEN movie from 1978. One of the coolest things about the screening was the small (40 some guests) who were connected in a Zoom discussion room with none other than P.J. SOLES, the actress who played Linda in the film (totally!). She was excited to take part, answering questions from anyone who had them.

Here’s the “Brady Bunch” Zoom grid that included P.J. Soles for the private screening of Halloween in black-in-white. It was awesome! It was like watching an Alfred Hitchcock film — it was comparable to PSYCHO.
During and after the screening, we got that pumpkin carved (and masked)…. because of the virus, we couldn’t head out and gather with people, but if we had to be stuck at home, then THIS is the way to have a QUARANTINE HALF-A-WEEN PARTY! Hopefully all you horror freaks found a way to celebrate too!

Frye Guy (Jim) with his beloved “Great Pumpkin” that he’s been saving since October.
We LOVE the tee shirts created by our buddy Eric at Monstertease…. his stuff stands out and gets tons of attention. Since the cancellation of conventions, he — like so many other fan-favorite vendors — have been hit hard. Please give his site a look…. and check out some awesome designs from some of the most iconic horror scenes of all time.